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Nuclear Monitor #832 - 19 October 2016

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In this issue of the Monitor:

  • Editor Jim Green writes about Ukraine's troubled nuclear power program.
  • Tim Judson writes about the astronomical cost of proposed subsidies for old reactors in the US.
  • Vladimir Slivyak reports on changes at the head of Russia's nuclear agency Rosatom.
  • Ken Bossong compares the growth of renewables in the US with the Watts Bar 2 reactor, which is set to become the country's first new reactor in 20 years.
  • Phil Johnstone summarizes a new report that argues that the perceived need to maintain a nuclear technological base to support nuclear submarines partly explains the decision to go ahead with new power reactors in the UK.

The Nuclear News section has reports on reactor lifespan extensions in Japan; a new coalition aiming to improve nuclear waste policy in the Czech Republic; a new book on Germany's renewable energy transition; and a new book on nuclear power's waste legacy