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Film review: Michael Moore's weird world of renewable energy haters: 'Planet of the Humans' doesn't discuss nuclear power, but that hasn't stopped nuclear advocates from endorsing the film's attack on renewables and using that as a launching pad for nuclear boosterism.
Mom, Michael Moore & Me: Peter Sinclair writes about the plan for a nuclear power plant in Midland, Michigan in the 1970s and Michael Moore's problematic role in the campaign to stop it. He writes: "Moore claims credit for stopping a nuclear plant, but the truth is, demonstrations didn't do it. Flawed designs, botched construction, market forces, and a business model inadequate to the changing times killed the plant and a dozen other projects of that generation."
The SMR 'hype cycle' hits a hurdle in Australia: The nuclear hype cycle ‒ whereby vendors, advocates and governments produce and promote implausible claims about nuclear economics, safety etc. ‒ has been disrupted in Australia by two government agencies. A report produced by the agencies estimates a hopelessly uneconomic construction cost of US$10,700 per kilowatt for small modular reactors.
CO2 emissions of nuclear power: the whole picture: Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen crunches the numbers and concludes that the cradle-to-grave CO2 emissions of nuclear power amount to 139-190 g CO2/kWh, the sum of contemporary emissions as well as latent emissions from waste management, decommissioning and mine rehabilitation.