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Nuclear Monitor #879 - 4 November 2019

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New setback for the Kvanefjeld mining project in GreenlandNiels Henrik Hooge from NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark writes about the Kvanefjeld rare earth elements and uranium mining project. The Australian mining company Greenland Minerals Ltd. has misled authorities and failed to comply with instructions to correct and supplement its environmental impact assessment reports. GML's inability to produce an EIA report that meets the requirements of Greenland's Mineral Resources Act could ultimately stop the mining project in its tracks, or delay it indefinitely.

An undeclared 'organic' nuclear power phase-outAs always, the latest edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report contains a wealth of useful information and insights. Coordinator Mycle Schneider states that the world is experiencing "an undeclared 'organic' nuclear phaseout" because the number of new reactors is unlikely to match closures of the aging fleet.

Cyber vulnerability of Kudankulam nuclear plant: risks more pronounced than the current episode revealsKumar Sundaram, editor of, explains an unfolding nuclear cybersecurity controversy in India.

Nuclear Power ‒ No Solution to Climate ChangeProposals to expand nuclear power in order to reduce greenhouse emissions are misguided and should be rejected for these reasons (among others): 1. Nuclear Power Would Inhibit the Development of More Effective Solutions 2. Small Modular Reactors vs. Small Modular Renewables 3. A Slow Response to an Urgent Problem 4. Catastrophic Cost Overruns: The Nuclear Power Industry is in Crisis 5. Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Nuclear Winter 6. Climate Change & Nuclear Hazards: 'You need to solve global warming for nuclear plants to survive'. 7. Nuclear Waste

Why the nuclear lobby makes stuff up about the cost of wind and solarGiles Parkinson ‒ editor of RenewEconomy ‒ offers this critique of recent nuclear spin regarding the costs of renewable energy sources. He concludes that the nuclear lobby have passed up the opportunity to have an open and honest debate by promoting utter garbage about renewables.

Joint Statement of the 2019 No Nukes Asia Forum ‒ Taiwan. Vice President Chen reiterates government's commitment to nuclear-free Taiwan