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Nuclear Monitor #872-873 - 7 March 2019

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
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Monitored this issue: Small modular reactors

Last year was undoubtedly the year of the small modular reactor (SMR) ‒ the amount of hot air and hype spouted about the "most influential and innovative energy disruptors the world has ever seen" could power the world indefinitely. This double-issue of Nuclear Monitor focuses exclusively on SMRs. We hope it will be a useful resource and we will of course continue to follow the debates - you can subscribe to Nuclear Monitor here.

Small modular reactors: an introduction and an obituary

Small reactors: past and present ‒ Why the hype? ‒ Skepticism ‒ The SMR 'hype cycle' ‒ An obituary

The forgotten history of small nuclear reactors

SMR economics: an overview

Fundamental problems ‒ Market size ‒ Costs per MWh ‒ Learning curve ‒ SMRs as 'affordable luxuries', diseconomies of scale ‒ Standardized modular rhetoric

SMR cost estimates, and costs of SMRs under construction

No-one wants to pay for SMRs: US and UK case studies

Are thousands of new nuclear generators in Canada's future?

Small modular reactors and nuclear weapons proliferation

Power/weapons connections ‒ The military origins of SMR programs ‒ Small reactors and proliferation ‒ SMRs as the proliferator's technology of choice ‒ The proliferation risks associated with different SMR designs ‒ Uranium enrichment ‒ Plutonium reactors ‒ Safeguards and security

A military bromance: SMRs to support and cross-subsidize the UK nuclear weapons program

SMRs to power military installations and forward bases in the United States

SMR safety issues

Generation IV nuclear waste claims debunked

mPower: an obituary

High-temperature, gas-cooled zombie SMRs

SMR fantasies: a pictorial essay