Nuclear Monitor, 28 November 2018, Issue No. 869
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Toshiba gives up on Moorside nuclear power project in the UK: On November 8, Japanese conglomerate Toshiba announced its withdrawal from the planned Moorside nuclear power project near Sellafield. Toshiba has not been able to find a buyer for its NuGen subsidiary so will instead liquidate it. Massive government subsidies would be available to any company prepared to pursue the Moorside project, which makes the lack of interest in NuGen all the more significant.
UK nuclear renaissance splutters while renewables boom: Nuclear power generation has been stagnant in the UK over the past decade while renewable generation has quadrupled and now comfortably beats nuclear. Indicative of opinion turning against the industry, a recent editorial in the Financial Times said the case for nuclear power may weaken to the point of obsolescence in the coming years.
An epitaph for Sellafield's THORP reprocessing plant – 'Never did what it said on the tin': Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment (CORE) note that the THORP reprocessing plant failed to meet its operational targets and schedules by "a country mile" and it should be remembered as an expensive white elephant.
UN nuclear weapons ban treaty spurs research on impact of nuclear testing: Matthew Bolton from Pace University and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons writes about ongoing work to right the wrongs inflicted on victims of nuclear weapons testing.
Western Australian uranium industry on the brink: Mia Pepper celebrates 10 years of successful resistance in Western Australia. A decade ago, the state government lifted the long-standing ban on uranium mining but sustained Aboriginal and wider community resistance has prevented the opening of any mines.
Nuclear lobbyists celebrate Union of Concerned Scientists 'backflip' on nuclear power: Nuclear power advocates are celebrating the Union of Concerned Scientists' new pro-nuclear position. But the organization hasn't changed its position and isn't pro-nuclear (or anti-nuclear).
‒ Don't dump on South Australia rally
‒ "Asterix und das Atomkraftwerk" – the destiny and outreach of an Austrian pirate comic