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Nuclear Monitor #857 - 14 February 2018

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Monitored this issue:

Westinghouse officials visit India: displacing vulnerable communities to revive desperate nuclear industry

Kumar Sundaram, editor of, writes about attempts to revive a deeply unpopular project to build Westinghouse AP1000 reactors in India. If Westinghouse is permitted to go forward with the Kovvada project, India can anticipate interminable delays, massive cost overruns and environmental contamination at best; a nuclear disaster at worst, if indeed the project ever gets completed, which is doubtful.

2017 in review: Uranium is best left in the ground

Another miserable year for the uranium industry. Industry executives and analysts are finally coming around to rallying cry of the anti-uranium movement: Leave it in the ground!

Cameco and Kazatomprom: World's biggest uranium producers announce cut-backs

The world's two biggest uranium producers ‒ Cameco and Kazatomprom ‒ are implementing significant cuts to production. It's unclear whether the cuts will significantly affect the industry's problems of oversupply and low prices.

Small Modular Reactors for Nuclear Power: Hope or Mirage?

M. V. Ramana summarizes the economic obstacles facing the deployment of small modular reactors. They might cost less to build, in principle allowing smaller private utilities and countries with smaller GDPs to invest in nuclear power. But SMRs lose out on economies of scale.

Bellona report on Ukraine's nuclear industry

Charles Digges summarizes a new Bellona report on the problems with Ukraine's nuclear power industry. The report is a collective effort by experts and academics on the inside of the country's ailing industry, and Bellona hopes it will serve as a guidepost to those who aim to assure the industry's safety and eventual decommissioning while Ukraine makes its arduous transition to cleaner energy sources.

Nuclear battles in Australia

Some nuclear news from Australia ‒ a set-back in a campaign against a proposed Cameco uranium mine in Western Australia, upcoming Radioactive Exposure Tours in two states (international guests are welcome), and anniversaries and celebrations of past campaigns and victories.