Nuclear Monitor Issue:
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In this issue of the Monitor:
- We deconstruct false claims that environmentalists are turning in support of nuclear power.
- Francisco Castejón from Ecologistas en Acción writes about the campaign to close the Almaraz nuclear power plant in Spain.
- We look at the World Nuclear Association's pitiful attempt to match the authoritative World Nuclear Industry Status Report.
- Clément Sénéchal from Greenpeace France writes about quality control and safety concerns in France, with implications for at least another dozen countries.
The Nuclear News section has reports on a book written by Hasegawa Kenichi, a dairy farmer from Iitate Village in Fukushima; as-yet unsuccessful attempts to find an operator for the troubled Monju fast reactor in Japan; the litany of broken promises with the UK nuclear power program; a 7-day walk in Western Australia led by Aboriginal Traditional Owners protesting uranium mining; and the ongoing protest camp recently established at the Bure nuclear waste dump site in France.