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Nuclear Monitor #800

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Full issue

This is the 800th issue of the Nuclear Monitor. The first issue was produced 37 years ago, in May 1978. We'd like to thanks the countless thousands of readers and contributors who have kept the Monitor going for all these years. We thank our subscribers − Nuclear Monitor would not survive without your support and we'd be grateful if you could encourage others to subscribe (at

Most of all, we'd like to thank the millions of people who have fought for a nuclear-free future since Nuclear Monitor was first produced. If there was any doubt that we're making a difference, just consider the past decade − despite a relentless global propaganda campaign trumpeting the 'renaissance' of nuclear power, the number of reactors has actually declined over the past decade. If that's a renaissance ...

In this issue of the Monitor:

  • We deconstruct the latest round of propaganda about 'small modular reactors'.
  • Michael Mariotte writes about Senator Lamar Alexander's fantasies for 100 new reactors in the US.
  • We look at nuclear power debates in Belgium, which is at the cutting edge of a new era in the history of nuclear power − the 'Era of Nuclear Decommissioning', a.k.a. the END.
  • Ray Acheson from Reaching Critical Will writes about the upcoming Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
  • We write about the re-emergence of the collusive 'nuclear village' in Japan.