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Hanhikivi Cape

Ecological destruction in Finland

Tiina Prittinen, volunteer with Friends of the Earth Finland

The Hanhikivi Cape in Finland is being ruined to make way for Fennovoima's nuclear power plant. In addition to damage that has already been done, Fennovoima has permits to cut down about 100 hectares of ecologically valuable area by the end of April, which is one-fifth of the whole Hanhikivi Cape.

The Finnish government's approval of the plant is conditional. There are many unresolved issues such as whether there will be enough Finnish or European stakeholders in the project, and nuclear waste management plans. If the nuclear plant is never built, the ecological destruction will be for nothing.

Local NGO Pro Hanhikivi has worked to protect the area and resist the nuclear project for eight years. Friends of the Earth Finland is organising a 'Better power!' camp to be held in June.

An online petition opposing the planned nuclear plant is posted at
More information about Hanhikivi Cape: