About WISE

WISE (World Information Service on Energy) is working on the energy revolution. Since 1978.

Mission and vision

WISE (World Information Service on Energy) was founded in 1978 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since then we have held office in Amsterdam.

In 1978 revenues from sales of the Smiling Sun were used to start up the organisation, and for about 10 years partly to finance the work of WISE.

From the very beginning we have always published a magazine, meant to keep the global anti-nuclear movement updated on developments, arguments and campaigns. In the year 2000 the WISE News Communique merged with the NIRS Monitor into the current Nuclear Monitor. For many years it has been the last magazine totally devoted to the fight against nukes.

First edition of the Nuclear Monitor:

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These people work at WISE on the green energy revolution

Lisanne Boersma


Lisanne (Director and campaigner energy transition) is involved in the energy transition and making the industry more sustainable at WISE. "We need to move quickly to a cleaner energy supply. I am committed to a system change in which the polluter pays and in which the strongest shoulders bear the heaviest burdens. That is how we make the energy transition fair."

Gerard Brinkman


Gerard (campaigner Nuclear Energy) works on campaigns against the construction of new nuclear power plants and against the lifetime extension of old ones. He has been active against nuclear energy since 1977. “In ten years we can have 100 % sustainable energy, but this is only possible if we choose to do so!”

Lisa Busink


Lisa (campaigner Nuclear Energy) works on the nuclear energy campaign and keeps a close eye on politics. She is active in the climate movement: 'The climate needs real solutions, such as wind, sun, batteries and energysaving. With nuclear energy you only exhaust the earth more.'

Jan Haverkamp


Jan (senior nuclear energy expert) campaigns for the phasing out of nuclear energy worldwide. As a little boy, Jan wanted to contribute positively to keeping this planet liveable. “I feel comfortable with the positive actions of WISE, which are based on sound information. In addition, it is a small collective with a huge international network of simply nice and very inspiring people.”

Koert Sondorp


Koert (financial administrator) works on a freelance basis. He is concerned about the future of the earth, for people. "The earth will survive, but for our descendants we are making a big mess of it. WISE contributes, in an active way, to tackling the climate problem."

Erik Plakman


Erik (coordinator Nuclear Monitor) contributes to the Nuclear Monitor and the international website of WISE. "Due to political developments in the world, nuclear energy is in danger of becoming normal. I will continue to oppose this. Nuclear energy is a very expensive and dangerous hobby that the private sector sees no profit in unless the burden is passed on to the taxpayer and the waste to future generations."