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#469-470 - April 11, 1997 - Special: The MOX Myth - The dangers and risks of the use of mixed oxide fuel

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Special: The MOX Myth - The dangers and risks of the use of mixed oxide fuel
Full issue

The dangers and risks of the use of mixed oxide fuel

Written by: Loeke Pam, Joop Boer and Dirk Bannink
Editor: Dirk Bannink
Layout: Christof Meigen
Thanks to: Robert Jan van den Berg, Hermine Linnebank, Peer de Rijk, Yurika Ayukawa and Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Special thanks to Stichting Vredesprojecten Nederland and The Margaret Laurence Fund for the Promotion of Peace and the Environment - Canada for providing funds for the production of this issue.

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