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Nuclear dinosaurs against World Court Project

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(March 18, 1994) Despite all efforts from IPPNW (International Physicians Preventing Nuclear War) and IPB (International Peace Bureau) a resolution, calling a ruling by the World Court on the illegality of nuclear weapons, was withdrawn at the last minute under pressure of the United Stated, Great Britain and France from the last General Assembly of the U.N.. The resolution was supported by the 110 countries in the Non-Aligned Movement. A similar resolution, earlier 1994, was adopted by the World Health Organization.

(408.4046) WISE Amsterdam - The latter resolution calls for a ruling by the World Court on the "use of nuclear weapons", the resolution at the General Assembly called for a ruling on the "use of nuclear weapons" and the "threat to use nuclear weapons" to be illegal. The Non-Aligned Movement will now monitor the progress towards elimination of nuclear weapons and retain the right to reintroduce the resolution at anytime in the General Assembly.

There are reports that the U.S. has a budget of $800.000 to press the medical profession to withdraw the call for a World Court ruling when the World Health Organization meets at the U.N. in May 1994. Also there is the threat that the U.S. may withdraw the financial support if the so called World Court Project proceeds. Meanwhile the World Court proceeds with asking For submissions to be made by June 1994. A decision is expected to follow late 1994 or early 1995.


  • Greennet: nuc.facilities, nation.samples,
  • War & Peace Digest, Vol.3, No.3 January 1994

Contacts: Cohn Archer, IPB, 41 Rue de Zurich, Geneva, Switzerland;
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, 666 Broadway #625, New York, NY 10012, USA; Bas Bruyne, IPP-NW, 126 Roger street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA;