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Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Special: Uranium Special Edition

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Note: Publishers' addresses not included if listed in the contact list.

(December 6, 1991) Anumukti. Sept. 1991. Anumukti, A Journal Devoted to Non-Nuclear India. Vol. 5, Number 1, Aug./Sept. 1991. 16 pp. Focuses on uranium mining. Articles cover uranium mining in India, Australia, U.S., Canada, Germany, and Japan.

Bossew, Peter. Nov. 1990. "Radioecological Investigations in the Surroundings of MAPE Uranium Ore Processing Plant Near Ceske Budejo-vice in Southern Bohemia, CSFR." 51 pp. Prepared on behalf of Greenpeace Austria. Gamma-Strahlenmeßstelle, Währingerstr. 59, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel. 43-222-408 22 89.

Cochran, Thomas B.; and Norris, Robert Standish. 14 Feb. 1991. "Soviet Nuclear Warhead Production." 68 pp. NWD 90-3 (3rd Rev.), Natural Resources Defence Council, 1350 New York Ave. NW, Wash. D.C. 20005, U.S.A. Tel. 202-783-7800.

Gadekar, Dr. Surendra. 1990. "Uranium Mining In Jharkhand" (India). 4 pp. Safe Energy and Environment, No. 7, 10 Oct. 1991, pp. 22-25. Safe Energy and Environment, 28 Nazrul Park, P.O. Aswininagar, Calcutta 700 059, India.

German Bundestag. 23 Nov. 1989. "Response of the Federal Govern-ment." Publication 11/5788. 40 pp. Translation of debate in the German parliament titled, "Involvement of the Federal Republic of Germany in production and trade in uranium around the world, human and land rights of those affected." The Green Party, Colmantstr 36, Box 1422, 5300 Bonn, FRG. Tel.49-228-692021.

Greenpeace Australia. March 1991. "Uranium Mining and the Australian Economy: The Facts." 9 pp. Data showing that about 15 times as many jobs per dollar are created in manufacturing as compared to the Ranger uranium mine. Information also on the Ranger uranium mine's contribution to government revenue, Australia's balance of payments, and distribution of revenue.

Greenpeace Australia. May 1991. "Greenpeace Briefing on Uranium Mining, Subsidary statement to the Uranium Policy Review Committee." 20 pp.

Greenpeace Canada. 1991. "Nuclear Reactions, Saskatchewan Church Leaders Speak Out on Uranium Mining and Nuclear Power." 24 pp. Excerpts from presentations church leaders made to the Saskatchewan Energy Options Review Panel.

Hallam, John R. Sept. 1990. "Friends of the Earth Submission on Uranium Mining to Industries Assistance Commission Inquiry Into Mineral and Mineral Processing, 'Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Uranium Mining in Australia'." 61 pp. FOE, Australia. Includes overview of problems throughout nuclear fuel chain and details on uranium mines in Australia.

O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran. 1990. "Uranium Demand, Supply and Prices: 1991-2000." 36 pp. Greenpeace International. Can be obtained from Greenpeace offices in Canada, U.K., U.S.A., and Australia. The introduc-tion reads, "The purpose of this study is to estimate the balance between demand and supply of newly mined uranium for the world outside the centrally planned economies (WOCA) over the years 1991-2000... to draw conclusions regarding likely trends in uranium prices during the coming decade." Among the conclusions: "It is predicted that the uranium market will be almost exactly in balance over the decade as a whole. Development of even one small new uranium project in Australia would mean that supply would significantly exceed demand..." Does not take military consumption into consideration. Two appendices list statistics and data for uranium mines (WOCA only) that produced more than 100 tonnes U3O8 in 1988, and projects which could be in production during 1991-2000.

International Campaign For Tibet. Oct. 1990 (2nd edition). Essential Environmental Materials on Tibet. 72 pp. ISBN: 1-879245-02-7. International Campaign For Tibet, 1511 K St. NW, Suite 739, Wash. D.C. 20005, U.S.A. Tel. 202-628-4123. Fax: 202-347-6825.

Moody, Roger. 1990. Plunder! 200 pp. Published jointly by PARTIZANS/ CAFCA in London, England and Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN: 09517522-0-0. Price: ,4.95 (US$12) plus postage. Available from: PARTIZANS, 218 Liverpool Road, London N1 1LE, England. Tel. 44-71-609 1852. Written by an activist-organizer, this is not just another academic study or expose of a large multinational (in this case RTZ), but a wealth of detailed information and analysis about its organizational structure and mode of operation. An indispensable aid for communities planning counter-strageties to corporate mining activities.

Movement Against Uranium Mining. Uranium Mining In Australia. July 1991 (2nd edition). 16 pp. ISBN: 0-9594933-1-X. A general explanation of uranium mining and its health and environmental effects, as well as how Aborigines are affected and the con-nection between Australian uranium and nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Engineering International. 1990. World Nuclear Industry Handbook 1991. 330 pp. Reed Business Publishing. Distribution by: ESCO Business Services, Box 935, Finching Field, Braintree, Essex, CM7 4LJ, UK. Tel. 44-371-810 433. Price: £65. Annual publication. Its "Fuel cycle facility listing" does not list individual uranium mines but does include uranium ore processing (i.e uranium mills) by country (not including the USSR). Data for about 80 facilities in 23 countries.

Regnier, Robert. Jan. 1991. "In Defence of the Christian Leaders' Statement on Uranium Mining." 16 pp. Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative. A reply to a published attack on an anti-uranium mining statement by church leaders.

Texas Energy Alliance. Undated, about 1990. "Collection of Short Articles on Uranium Mining." 25 pp. Eight articles describing different aspects of uranium mining in Texas, with stress on the problems of in-situ leach mining.

French Language Publications

Info Uranium. Published by Info Uranium in France. Six issues/year. Europe: 90 FF (US$16.50). Outside Europe: 120 FF (US$22). Issue No. 52 includes a 10 page report on the meeting of anti-uranium groups in Zwickau, Germany, 1-3 August 1991.

La Gazette Nucléaire. Groupment de scientifiques pour l'Information sur l'Energie Nucléaire (GSIEN) (Group of Scientists for Information on Nuclear Energy), 2, rue Fraçois Villon, F-91400 Orsay, France. Six per year. Foreign annual subscriptions cost 120 FF (US$60). The 32 page Nov. 1991 issue (No. 111/112) is on mines, miners and wastes.
La Gazette Nucléaire will not be published in 1992 (financial problems...)

German Language Publications

Citizen Committee Against Uranium Mining in the Black Forest and Citizen Committee Oberrothenbach. Dec. 1991. "Tagungsband -- Tagung der Bürgerinitiativen gegen Uranabbau in Europa, Zwickau (Sachsen) 1-3 Aug. 1991" ("Proceedings -- Meeting of Anti-uranium Citizens Committees in Europe, at Zwickau/Saxony 1-3 August 1991"). 108 pp. Price: DM10 (US$6), plus postage. Order from the Citizen Committee Against Uranium Mining in the Black Forest or Citizen Committee Oberrothenbach. Problems created by uranium mining in Germany described in detail. Short regional reports included for France, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, the Soviet Union, Estonia, Spain, and Yugoslavia. In addition, reclamation is examined. Selected articles available in English and French. A six page condensed report available in English.

Beleites, Michael. 1991. Untergrund -- Ein Konflikt mit der Stasi in der Uranprovinz(Underground -- a Conflict with Stasi in the Uranium Province). 274 pp. Basisdruck-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN: 3-86163-044-3. Price: DM19.80 (US$12). Documents the author's experience with Stasi, the East German secret police, while he was writing the first public report (1988) on uranium mining in East Germany, "Pechblende -- der Uranab-bau in der DDR und seine Folgen" (Pitchblend -- Uranium Mining in the GDR and its Consequences). Beleites obtained access to some of the files Stasi kept on him, compares his diary with them, studies Stasi's methods, and reports meetings he had after the revolution with former Stasi-officers responsible for his persecution.

SDAG Wismut. 1990. Seilfahrt -- Auf den Spuren des sächsischen Uranerzbergbaus("Travelling in a mine cage down into the underground mine -- on the track of uranium mining in Saxony"). 152 pp. Bode-Verlag, Haltern. ISBN: 3-925094-40-7. Price: DM48 (US$29). Hardcover, with color photographs. Published by the mining company itself, it is the first book on uranium mines in Saxony. A book on mines in Thuringia is expected in 1992.

Reimar, Paul. 1991. Das Wismut-Erbe -- Geschichte und Folgen des Uranbergbaus in Thüringen und Sachsen ("The Wismut Legacy -- History and Consequences of Uranium Mining in Thüringen and Saxony"). 192 pp. Verlag Die Werkstatt. ISBN: 3-923478-55-0, paperback. Price: DM22 (US$14). The first independent book on Wismut.

Schuhmann, Holger; et. al. 1990. Das Uran und die Hüter der Erde, Atom-wirtschaft -- Umwelt -- Menschenrechte (Uranium and the Protectors of the Earth, Nuclear Economy -- Environment -- Human Rights). 204 pp. Quell Verlag, Stuttgart. ISBN: 3-7918- 2261-6. Price: DM 19.80 (US$12). Edited by the Society for the Conservation of Nature (BUND) and Society for Dangerous People (GfbV), it was initiated by a 1988 cental European tour by Indigenous people. There are chapters on the U.S., Canada, Australia, Africa, ecological and health hazards of uranium mining, international involvement of German companies in uranium mining, and nuclear testing in the Pacific. The editors are interested in cooperating on translations to other languages, perhaps enriched by additional chapters on the local situation. Contacts: BUND, Georg Löser, Dunantstr. 16, W-7800 Freiburg, FRG, tel. 49- 761-88595-0; fax -90; GfbV, Günter Wippel, Oberau 63, W-7800 Freiburg, FRG, tel. 49-761-31193 or 381282.