Arrests after anti-nuke protest in Turkey

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(December 4, 1994) On Friday 11 November, 35-40 Greenpeace protesters and Turkish activists were arrested in the capital of Turkey Ankara, when they attempted to block the entrance of the state-owned Turkish electricity authority (TEK) head-quarters in Ankara.

(423.4190) WISE Amsterdam - The protesters, dressed in black radiation suits and wearing skeleton masks attempted to staged a mass die-off in front of the building. The reaction from the Turkish Security Police was swift and violent. As 6 activists chained themselves across the entrance, the police broke down the glass doors and forcibly arrested all present.

The action was in protest at government plans to construct the first nuclear power station in Akkuyu, southern Turkey. The Sixth Turkish National Energy Congress, held in Izmir in October, confirmed government plans to proceed along the nuclear path. The meeting, ostensibly designed as a platform for politicians, experts and decision makers to debate the future of energy policy in Turkey, turned out to be little more than a marketing exercise for nuclear power.

"Greenpeace is asking the Turkish government to make a real assessment of their energy needs and invest in a sustainable future for Turkey, instead of being hoodwinked into investing in an economically disastrous, outdated and dangerous technology". Instead of looking for sustainable and clean energy alternatives, the government is pursuing a dangerous energy path. As is apparent from their actions against the protest, opposition and concern is being met with aggression and blindness.

Greenpeace is calling for investment in clean renewable sources of energy. The wind power station at Tarila (Spain) is the largest in the Mediterranean. It provides energy for 25,000 homes. In Israel, two out of three homes are equipped with solar water heaters. Solar energy provides about three per cent of Israel's primary energy, replacing around 300,000 tonnes of oil every year and avoiding the release of a million tonnes of C02. "Alternatives do exist," said Greenpeace campaigner Anne Dingwall. "The Mediterranean could become the world's leading region in renewable energy use -- benefiting the environment, energy security and the creation of new industries, all with great long-term cost efficiency". "How much more proof does the Turkish government need before it comes to its senses?"

Source: Environet (Greenpeace BBS), 14 November 1994
Contact: Anti Nuclear Platform of Turkey, Melda Keskin. Hüsren Gerede Cad. 77/7 80200, Tesvikiye-Istanbul, Turkey