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#374-375 - June 25, 1992

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Full issue

Dear WISE Readers,

Sorry to have to give you so much bad news all at once. Personally, we hate these double issues. It's just too much for anybody to have to digest at one time! But we hope to make it up to you in the next issue with some good news. We have heard of a marvelous initiative taken by a village in the Black Forest in Germany where the villagers decided to take themselves out of the centralized electricity grid and supply their own energy needs. We are trying to track that story down now and, as we've said, have it for you in our next issue.

Unfortunately, that next issue will not appear until the end of August (which is why we've crammed so much into this issue). Due to financial problems, we have had to shut down early for the summer and focus on fundraising. Then we all take a much needed break.

So, we will see you in August. In the meantime, have a good summer.
No Nukes!

The WISE-Amsterdam Collective